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money while
to your favorite nonprofits

Financial and social responsibility can go hand in hand. Join with your company the Save for Good® movement — using ethical finance to build a better future, together.

You don’t need superpowers to

Connect your payroll & start saving immediately! Your money goes to a wallet that earns 3% APY1 💰.
And yes, Positive Finance is free—for you and our Nonprofits.
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Our smart algorithm suggests how much to set aside based on your current financial health. Or you can take direct control and set your own recurring amount.

In case of anything, your money is FDIC-insured up to $250,000 — thanks to our partnerships with Sila financial software provider & Evolve Bank & Trust.

And don’t worry about any commitments: You can reclaim your savings at any time!

You give $1,

They get $1.

No matter who you’re supporting 🌎, they get 100% of your donations.
No fees. No catch.
Compare with other fundraising platforms
Most donation platforms charge the industry standard of 2 to 7%. But when we say no fees... We mean no fees. Charities will receive every single dollar you give - no exceptions.
How much would you donate to a nonprofit?



from start to finish.

Save for Good® is easy.
Our smart deposit system automatically sets aside money for your savings & donations. How much depends entirely on you:
Adjust your set rates at any time with our sliding “booster.”
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No more constantly worrying about how much to give.

Now, if the Save for Good® smart deposit sets aside $100 and your booster is set to 90/10, then $90 goes into your savings while $10 goes to your preferred nonprofits.

That’s all there is to it.